Emergency Response for Bulk Road Transport
For operators of tanker fleets carrying hazardous goods within Great Britain there are many regulations that their vehicles need to comply with.
One of the most visually obvious is the display of an emergency telephone number on the orange placards. The enforcement guidance states that a Prohibition Notice (PN) will be issued for “No number displayed” or “No response or seriously inadequate response to number”.
An “adequate response” means that basic advice “should be provided within 10 minutes and more detailed advice should be provided within 30 minutes – only one telephone transfer is allowed.
To provide this response in-house, without relying on the frailties of using mobile phones, can be very challenging for any size of fleet – especially if the vehicles operate outside office hours. Similar, although more rigid, protocols are followed for rail transport.
Insurers expect their customers to comply in this area – including our parent company, OAMPS, who insure most of the UK’s petroleum and oil distribution companies. 24-7 Response provides our clients with the Emergency Line number that can be displayed on vehicle placards.
If an incidents warrants specialist intervention, the Emergency Line can facilitate a Level 2 and/or Level 3 response from OHES.